Witall Electronics
  about us
  Manage idea
  Enterprise spirit
  Corporate culture
  Enterprise mission

 Corporate culture    Enterprise spirit  Corporate culture  Enterprise mission


 Witall Logo Symbolize:
1.Witall derive from “wit” and “all” while “wit” means wisdom and “all” means Everyone, Together they signify gather in all the wisdom and energy to run our company, to always make it full of energy and vigor.
2.The united as one “w” by double ”v” means unity and progress. We gather in all the strengths from our staffs, our suppliers, our customers as one to walk up to the successful way together.
3.The “earth” from the Logo embodys all the Witalls emotion that we would like to offer our service to all over the world.


 Witall Principle
1.Contribute to the society, lead the market, surpass ourselves.
2.man-oriented, keep? innovations.
3.Communication, Competition, Win-win cooperation.
Witall’s Motto

 Speed · Service · Stability ·Specialist
1.Speed: We value “speed” as our most important advantages, now as ever and will continue.
2.Service: we not only distribute components, we also distribute our service.
3.Stability: Stability is our remaining business creed to survive in the violent competition.
4.Specialist: Specialist makes us distinguished from others.
Witall Electronics Co. Ltd
ADD:Room 6215,No.211, XinLin Road,MinHang district, ShangHai, China. Tel:+86-21-64140227 Fax:+86-21-54957765
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